Monday 1st February, St. Brigid, Abbess, Secondary Patron of Ireland was renowned for her hospitality, almsgiving and care of the sick. Born around 454 she took the veil and spiritual formation from St. Mel and stayed for a period under his direction in Ardagh. Others followed her example and so she founded a double monastery in Kildare in association with Bishop Conleth. She died in 524 and is remembered not only in Ireland but in several European countries also. The St. Brigid’s Cross is said to have been used by her explain the Christian faith and remains a popular sign of God’s protection..
Tuesday February 2nd is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Candles will be blessed during the 10am Mass on parish TV and the internet. Anyone who has candles they would like blessed please leave them on the table by the Sacred Heart chapel before Tuesday and collect them afterwards. Please label your candles clearly. Donations of candles for church use are also very welcome.
Wednesday February 3rd is the feast of St Blaise. Due to the present restrictions the usual blessing of throats cannot take place in the church. We encourage people to bless other members of the household in the home. You do this by holding two crossed unlit candles at the person’s throat and saying the following prayer:
Through the intercession of St Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from all ailments of the throat and from every other evil, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen’
(If you don’t have two candles you can still do the blessing by just saying the prayer). The priest at the 10am Mass that morning will impart a blessing to all who are watching who live on their own.
Friday 5th St. Agatha. Died a martyr’s death in Sicily in the third century. Patron of bell- founders.
Saturday 6th St. Paul Miki and Companions, martyred in Nagasaki, Japan in 1597. Six Franciscans, 17 Franciscan Tertiaries and three Jesuits died suspended on crosses.