Monday 16th: St. Brendan (486-578). A Kerry man, he studied in Clonard under St. Finnian. He visited Scotland and reached the Hebrides. He founded a monastery in Clonfert in 568 and lived there until his death.
Wednesday 18th: St. John I was the first Bishop of Rome to visit Constantinople. He battled against heresies and ended up imprisoned in Ravenna where he died in 526.
Friday 20th: St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444). Born in Siena, he became a Franciscan and travelled through Italy preaching with great success. He promoted devotion to the Holy Name and to St. Joseph.
Saturday 21st: St Christopher Magallanes, priest and his Companions, martyrs. This group of priests and laymen were executed in 1927 in Mexico.