Monday 16th, St. Stephen of Hungary (975-1038), first King of Hungary and its patron saint, worked for the conversion of his people to Christianity.
Tuesday 17th, Our Lady of Knock: The story of Knock began on the 21st August 1879 when the miraculous apparition was witnessed by fifteen people, young and old, at the south gable of Knock Parish Church.
Thursday 19th, St. John Eudes, priest: (1601-1680). From Normandy, he spent twenty years with the French Oratory and then left to found a congregation to improve the standards of the clergy through seminaries. He founded the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity and Refuge. He was a powerful preacher and among the first to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart.
Friday 20th, St. Bernard, abbot and doctor of the Church: Born 1090 and died on 20 August 1153. He became a Cistercian monk at Citeaux in 1113 and was chosen abbot of Clairvaux in 1115. His writings reveal a solid grasp of biblical studies, spiritual theology and philosophy. Patron of Gibralter and beekeepers.
Saturday 21st, St. Pius X (1835-1914). Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, elected pope in 1903. Encouraged pastoral liturgy and sacramental practice, especially of frequent communion, to which he admitted young children.