Corpus Christi Procession

As you will know, for the last three years it proved impossible to hold a procession on Corpus Christi. Now that it has become possible again this year, the clergy of the parish, the parish council and others who have been involved in the procession have been having discussions about how to proceed this year.

We all have fond memories of years gone by when the procession was a huge event in any town and the whole place closed down during it. This is no longer the case, with increased Sunday trading in shops, bars and restaurants, and a growing number of people who have little or no interest in the procession. As the bishop of Cork recently said about the Cork procession, ‘it is no longer appropriate to bring the Blessed Sacrament through the heart of the city while the wider culture continues its usual Sunday afternoon activities.’ That being the case, we have decided to try a different route for this year’s procession as follows:

The procession will begin after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday June 19th in the churchyard and will walk around to the back wall of the church. It will stop there while the Blessed Sacrament will be carried through the new part of the cemetery. When the Blessed Sacrament returns the procession will proceed up the main avenue of the cemetery and exit by the top gate. It will then turn right down Rosary Place and turn left into the grounds of CBS Secondary school where a brief service of Benediction will take place, after which we will disperse.

I encourage you all to take part in this year’s procession as outlined above.

Monsignor Jim Killeen PP