Christmas Masses
Christmas Eve – Holy Rosary – Morning 10am Evening 4pm, 6pm, 8pm and 10pm
Christmas Eve – Ballintotis – Evening 7pm and 9pm
Christmas Day – Holy Rosary – 8am, 10am and 12 Noon
Christmas Day – Ballintotis – 10.30am
Sunday 26th Feast of the Holy Family – Holy Rosary 8am, 10am and 12Noon Ballintotis 10.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
There is no Penitential Service this Advent. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be celebrated at the following times:
Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd
Mornings: after 10am Mass
Evenings: 7pm to 8pm
The times of Masses over Christmas and Confessions leading up to Christmas are printed above. They are also to be found at the back of the two churches (Holy Rosary and Ballintotis on yellow sheets with guidelines for how we have to approach the Masses from Christmas Eve through to Noon on Sunday 26th the Feast of the Holy Family.
Each Mass will need stewards. If you would be willing to steward at any of the Masses, please ring the parish office with details of what Mass you wish to help at and a contact number. Please note: the role of the steward is to help people find seats that are free to use.